Thursday, July 16, 2015

Flounder Gigging

I have been trying various applications and tools to figure out how to share my information and items posted for my graduates course project. I chose the topic of flounder gigging based on my interests and some work that I was developing for others.  The first item is a step-by-step module on how to build your own wading flounder gigging light.  I have chosen to use slide share in combination with to get the word out.  I will also post various links in other applications that have public access in order to hopefully share the information and get interaction from others.  For the purpose of this project I will post the various items links as a response to this blog.  So far playing with the different options I found tools like diigo had to many limitations for the free users or like I could not create a public group with my free access. 


  1. Step-by-step instructions on how to build your own wading flounder gigging light

  2. This is a slide show to give you the basics on how to gig, it includes what you need, a great article on how to gig and a video that gives you a great look at what the flounder look like under the water.

  3. This slide show shows you two methods that people use to clean and fillet the fish to prepare them for dinner.

  4. If only the fish would cooperate... :)

  5. This was for my knowledge sharing but I am sticking with the same subject and trying to figure out the best way to use it for the produsage assignment. Check out my post under DB in the produsage section.
